Just as physical first aid is administered to an injured person before medical treatment can be obtained, KMHFA is given until appropriate treatment is found or until the crisis is resolved.
talk to us"But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack.."
In a recent major study, 82% of responding organizations ranked mental health conditions in their top three causes of short-term disability (72% for long-term).
30% of all short and short term disability
30% of all short- and long-term disability claims are due to mental health problems and illnesses.
The average responding organization reported spending more than $10.5 million
The average responding organization reported spending more than $10.5 million annually on absence claims.
"Our training gives people the skills they need to reach out and provide initial help."
In 2011, lost productivity due to absenteeism and presentment(present but less than fully productive at work) due to mental health problems and illnesses was approximately $6 Billion.
Recognize a change in behavior
Respond with a confident conversation
Guide to Appropriate resources and support
Retrain others within your community and organisations on how to handle mentally unwell persons